Chnage is my business
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“Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are, and to make new things like them.” —Marcus Aurelius


our mission

It is our Mission to accelerate sustainable change. For the survival of our World we must change in all levels and our future generations are depending and counting on our action. Chimb stands for ‘Change is my business’ and we can support you in several levels to make change your business too.


What we Do

Within Chimb we are acting on three levels to accelerate change. With sustainable change as our core driver we are developing a total package of holistic programs. We give advice, inspire and create awareness and try to encourage behavioral change. We are building a platform of sustainable change were we collect data and interact with our community.

Chimb also starts and scales-up (own) sustainable innovative companies to be able to offer a complete package of integrative solutions for sustainable change. Recently the Company AtomicOne was added to the Chimb family. AtomicOne is focusing on solutions hydrogen production in automotive and renewable energy market.

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Our Impact

We develop our programs and innovations in such a way that they are set-up to create as much impact as possible. With our behavioral change programs we do this on a personal level. We help you to change to a more sustainable person, support you in making conscious decisions in everything what you do, changing your lifestyle into a more sustainable one. Personal change matters and is important for the needed behavioral change to save our planet.

Within the set-up of our own sustainable innovations we develop fast track programs with support from specialized partners to be able to create as much sustainable impact as possible. We do this always from a global, international perspective. Our innovations are most of the time multi-angled and integrate different products and markets into a holistic system.

We use feed-back loops from our programs and use trans-theoretical models of change to constantly improve the ways that we can create impact. The feedback loops are the feeds for our Platform of sustainable change and give us insights how we can change even further.